Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge - I did it!!!

With much pride and satisfaction I report that I completed the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge on Saturday 29 November 2014.  As a first timer he is some info about my approach on the day and what I learned.

Approach: My goal was to finish and feel good.  This meant I trained lots so that I would be physically and mentally ready for an endurance event.  But I didn't go hard out on the day or focus on a completion time.  On finishing I felt really great, which means I probably could have gone faster/harder but that was not my goal!  I approached it like this:
1.  I chose a suitable start group.  The woman's W2 start group was great for me, friendly and not crowded.
2.  I rode at my own pace, and kept in mind the advice to treat the first 80 km as a warm up.  This stopped me from going like the clappers and running out of steam.
3.  I took some brief breaks.  More than I did in training actually.
4.  I took plenty of food and ate and drank per my nutrition plan.
5.  I made an effort to chat with those around me, encouraging others, having a bit of a joke and being friendly.
6.  I expected the weather to be a mixed bag/unpredictable.  It was, and that was okay.

Main thing I learned.  The thing I had worried most about was bunch riding and being crowded.  By starting in a back of the pack start group, the vibe was really relaxed, I had plenty of space and bunch riding was purely optional.  I found myself with the same riders over time, although that changed if I took a break.  I found I was faster up hill, and then overtaken on the downhills.  So for my time goals and start group, bunch riding was purely optional.  The cycle skills on the course were mixed, so it definitely pays to have your wits about you and be comfortable with bunch riding and etiquette, but it is certainly not necessary to be a bunch expert.

Things I would do differently next time.
1.  Peak Fuel carb drink was supposed to be available at most aid stops, so I only took 500 ml of it in one bottle and water in my other.  However they ran out of it at most of the stops where I wanted to refill it, so I was left with water as my only option.  So next time I am not so sure if I will be loyal to the sponsor Peak Fuel, and will probably go for another product and carry enough to make up for the entire 160 km.  Poor sponsorship really.
2.  I might go harder now I know what to expect
3.  I would put some non cycling shoes in my drop bag to change into at the end.
4.  I would win the spa!!!!!! (if only!)

The event is well organised, the drop bag system works well, and overall the whole thing is an amazing feat of logistic management.  Well done to the organisers!

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