Thursday, 11 April 2013

Welcome, here we go!

I like being organised.  
I believe in minimising my impact on the environment.  
I love running a home for my family which is healthy and happy.  

Sometimes I feel apologetic for these things, as being a 'housewife' is definitely not in vogue these days, and embracing chaos seems to be a popular mantra.  There are times in life when you may have to embrace chaos to stay sane, and different personalities cope differently with chaos.  But I know me, and I don't do chaos very well.  It leaves me feeling really anxious.  What leaves me feeling good is being organised and knowing I am on top of ensuring my family are cared for.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment.  So in case, this is you...  then you might get some helpful ideas from this blog, or at least know there is someone else out there like you, and that YOU ARE OK!

And if you are not even remotely organised, and feel dreadful about it, then hey, YOU ARE OK too!  We all do the best we can with what we have.  Maybe you want to be more organised, but remember, you just need to live the life that is right for you.  Learn more about your personality type*, and embrace your strengths and learn to deal with your weaknesses.  It takes all types to make the world. And the world needs YOU!

What you won't see here are beautifully styled photographs - my shots will be from my real world, which is imperfect, just like yours!  And if I mention products, it will be because I know and love them and would not want to do without them, not because I get anything in return.

* I find this book handy, even if you are not religiously inclined, as it is very easy to read and understand and the author is very entertaining!  Personality Plus by Florence Littauer

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